Peppermint Mitcham Essential Oil


Botanical Name: Mentha x piperita
Geographic Origin: USA
Method of Farming: 100% Pure – Conventional
Method of Extraction: Steam Distillation
Part of Plant: Leaves



“The peppermint personality is difficult to forget. Some may find them brash and overpowering. They have a fearless spirit and are swift and quick thinkers. They are friendly people who are concerned about the fate of others. Whatever work they take on, they are always dynamic and get totally involved.” (Worwood V. The fragrant mind. Doubleday, Great Britain, 1995.)

Mentha piperita is a perennial herbaceous plant reaching a height up to 3 ft. It has smooth, quadrangular upright stems that branch towards the top. The plant forms an abundant carpet of oval, serrated, deep-green colored leaves. The flowers are spike shaped and usually purple in color.  Peppermint Essential Oil is steam distilled from the leaves of the plant. The color of the oil is pale yellow or pale olive. The Oil has a strong, penetrating, grassy, minty, camphor-like aroma. 

The peppermint essential oil produced in England has traditionally been the very finest available and is derived from a variety known as Mitcham (Mentha piperta forma rubescens), having been named after the area in Surrey where it was originally produced, Mitcham.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Select Size

1/3 fl oz (10ml), 3.38 fl oz (100ml), 33.81 fl oz (1kg)


AUROMA Essential Oils are the highest quality essential oils available in the world today. Each oil is from an individual farmer and from a particular year’s harvest. As AUROMA knows each of the Farmers, they guarantee the authenticity of each oil. Just to be certain, they analyze each oil using the latest state-of-the-art GC-MS technology, which can detect impurities to one part per billion. Yes! AUROMA represents the best there is in Essential Oils. We can supply the following documentation: Certificates of Analysis and Safety Data Sheets (SDS)

To meet the stringent demands of the professional aromatherapist, AUROMA has drafted the following seven requirements that an essential oil needs to meet so it can be used with confidence:

  1. BIO-TYPE: Not only does an oil have to come from a defined botanical species, but from a particular genetic strain.
  2. CHEMO-TYPE: The same botanical species can often produce completely different constituents.
  3. GEO-TYPE: Oils from a particular area are often of superior quality. Examples are Rose Oil Bulgarian or Sandalwood East Indian.
  4. COMPLETE OR WHOLE: The oil should come from a single distillation and should not be rectified.
  5. WILD OR ORGANIC: Where possible, AUROMA always selects the wild growing plants for distillation. When wild types are not available, AUROMA commissions farmers who do not use pesticides or chemical fertilizers. Certified Organic options are available.
  6. EX STILL: AUROMA distills small lots of expensive oils in-house and advises farmers on distillation methods.
  7. ANALYYSIS: Oils are tested by AUROMA in Australia with the most advanced state-of- the-art equipment in the world.


  • In General: Peppermint Essential Oil is extremely versatile and can be used for a broad range of applications. It is said by many to have clearing, antiseptic and anti-infectious qualities. It is thought by some to be suited for the relief of headaches, migraine, hay fever, sinus, and catarrhal congestion, as well as general coughs and colds. The stimulating aroma helps relieves the symptoms of travel sickness, jet lag and general fatigue. See “Cautions.” 
  • Just to smell: You can enjoy the aromatherapy of your favorite Essential oil or Blend without even taking it out of the bottle. Keep a bottle in your purse or your car. Simply open-up and smell. This can be particularly helpful during times of stress.
  • In a Diffuser: Peppermint Mitcham Essential Oil is often effective addressing emotional states such as mental exhaustion, impatience, indecision, irritability, poor memory, and shock. It is said to improve mental clarity and concentration.
  • As a Room Spray: Peppermint Oil helps people become clear-headed and may be beneficial for people who are unable to concentrate or who have mental fatigue.
  • In Steam inhalation: Add 10 drops of Peppermint Mitcham to a bowl of hot water. Drape a towel over your head, clothes your eyes, and inhale the vapors. Select from the following suggested oils:  See “Cautions.” 
  • As a Massage Oil: The soothing natural elements found in Peppermint Essential Oil make it a great oil for massages. Add Peppermint Mitcham to your massage and enjoy the cooling feelings it has on your skin, while enjoying its sweet and relaxing aroma. Try combining with Lavender Essential Oil to enhance any massage. See “Cautions.”
  • In Hair Care:  Using Essential Oil & Blends is great way to keep your hair smelling like a gift from Mother Nature. Applying Peppermint Essential Oil will keep your hair smelling fresh and wonderful. Add a couple drops of Peppermint to coconut oil to moisturize and perfume hair simultaneously. See “Cautions.”
  • In creams, lotions, and perfumes. See “Cautions.”
  • As an Insect repellent: Peppermint is known to repel bugs and spiders. It is a natural solution to ward off nasty insects. Most bugs and spiders dislike the strong smell of Peppermint, consequently, Peppermint Essential Oil is used as a home remedy to repel bugs naturally. Place 4 drops of Peppermint on a cotton ball and position wherever you find these unwanted guests.


Basil, Black Pepper, Chamomile, Cypress, Eucalyptus, Geranium, Grapefruit, Juniper, Lavender, Lemon, Marjoram, Melissa, Niaouli, Pine, Rosemary, Spearmint, Tea Tree and Spice oils.

Whenever you use Essential Oils or 100% pure Essential Oil Blends on the skin, they should be diluted in a vegetable oil. However, always check for skin sensitivity before applying the finished product to the body. See “Cautions” below.

Suggested Dilution Rates follow:

  • 10ml Base Product: A 1% dilution requires a total of 2 drops essential oil, or a pure blend, 2%=4 drops, 2.5%=5 drops
  • 50ml Base Product: A 1% dilution requires a total of 10 drops essential oil, or a pure blend, 2%=20 drops, 2.5%=25 drops
  • 100ml Base Product: A 1% dilution requires a total of 20 drops (1ml) essential oil, or a pure blend, 2%=40 drops (2ml), 2.5% 50=drops (2.5ml)
  • 1Ltr Base Product: A 1% dilution requires a total of 200 drops (10ml) essential oil, or a pure blend, 2%=400 drops (20ml), 2.5%=500 drops (

Please ensure that the total number of drops does not exceed the dilution ratio. For example: 2.5% dilution = 1 drip Geranium, 2 drops Palmarosa & 2 drops Mandarin diluted in 10ml Jojoba Oil. Total drops = 5


Peppermint is non-toxic. It is not a skin irritant. It may occasionally cause skin sensitization. It is not phototoxic. Peppermint Oil should not be used on the face, particularly the nose, of infants and small children. (Bataglia S. The complete guide to aromatherapy. The International Centre for Aromatherapy, Brisbane, Australia, 2nd Edition, 1997, AUS)

The Aromatherapy Place does not recommend ingesting essential oils unless a specific dosage instruction is given to a consumer by a qualified medical practitioner.

Do not apply directly to skin. May case skin sensitization in some individuals.  Always dilute with a carrier oil. A skin test is recommended prior to use on the skin.

Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult a health professional prior to use. Keep away from eyes and mucous membranes. 

Please check with a professional for safe essential oils to use with children or the elderly. Do not use essential oils on a child younger than two years without professional advice.


 We recommended that Essential Oils or 100% pure and natural Blends be stored in amber or cobalt blue glass containers to maintain freshness and attain maximum shelf life. Keep away from excessive heat and light. A bathroom, bedroom or kitchen cabinet should be a good storage location.